A bluebell woodland pre shoot.

A couple of weeks ago I met Emily & Liam for their pre-wedding photo shoot. They’d decided to have their photos taken at a parent’s house which has a woodland area filled with bluebells. It was the perfect place for a pre shoot and with it being private land it meant we had the whole place to ourselves. Woodlands are my favourite places to photograph in because there’s so much I can use to get creative with. Wide open spaces like beaches or moorlands don’t tend to offer much variety, so when I’m shooing in those type of areas it requires more variation from the couple themselves - more posing. But woodland areas tend to have a lot that I can use and so I feel the photos and posing can be a bit more natural. I really enjoy shooting through leaves so I’m always on the lookout for lower foliage that I can reach and use creatively and the bluebells were of course a lovely added bonus.

Take a look through some of my favourites from the shoot here:


A Dartmoor Wedding


A Wedding at The Green Taverners Plymouth.