Film photography and Polaroids alongside your digital photos - the best of all eras!

Go Vintage is an optional add on that you can include to your wedding photography package if you’re after something unique, classic and vintage.

This is photography all the way from the 1950’s! You may notice that most of these photos are square (5x5) and that’s because the film camera that I tend to take to weddings takes 120 film. I do have some old 35mm cameras amongst my collection but weddings are faced paced and so that’s why I like to use the camera I am most familiar with - my Grandad’s Zeiss Ikon Nettar. If you would like 35mm instead, this is something I can discuss with you.

And here are some scans of my Polaroids! Now I need to clear something up… so many people these days are using instax instant cameras and calling them Polaroids but they’re not the same thing. Instax cameras are a modern instant camera, so I won’t be using them with your Go Vintage bundle (the clue is in the name). The Polaroid camera I’ll be using is from the early 1990’s. Don’t forget Polaroids can fade if they’re not looked after properly so when you receive your Polaroids they come with some tips for how to store them and keep them at their best. If all else fails and they do fade then you’ll still have the scans that I’ll create which will keep forever.

Your Go Vintage prints will be beautifully wrapped in my handmade vintage camera print envelopes and sealed with a vintage Vera sticker.

I had Vera commissioned by an illustrator, so she could be my Go Vintage mascot.

I feel so lucky to have been born when I was. I'm old enough to have a nostalgic connection with film cameras and young enough to benefit from the advantages of digital photography and everything that comes with that. I am in the middle of three generations of photography - film, digital and AI photography software. I appreciate all three for different reasons but I do worry that the old ways will fade away completely and AI will dominate, making many photography art forms redundant. So in 2018 I had the bright idea to include film photography into the weddings I photograph and Go Vintage was born. Today film photography is very trendy again but I’m not doing it to follow a trend (note I set Go Vintage up in 2018 - I set the trend haha!)

My love of film cameras actually led me to find a camera that had undeveloped film inside for 28 years! I developed the film and with the power of Facebook I was able to reunite the photos with the family. Read about my mystery camera and the photos I found here.